
By providing your API documentation we are able to infer what type of authentication method your API uses and can attempt to set up your Session Manager for you.

Upload your API docs when you create your team or in your team’s Context section, then hit the Magic Setup button on the team’s Session Manager.

If your authentication method is not supported, you can still set up your Session Manager manaully, or tweak the results of the Magic Setup. If you run into any issues with this, please reach out to us and we will be happy to set it up for you.

Password authentication

If you have an API that supports registration and authentication using username/email and password we are able to set up your Session Manager automatically.

Magic Setup will attempt to find the “register” endpoint on your API and set up a session node, configure an API node for the endpoint, and an extract node to capture the user ID value. It will then do the same for your “login” endpoint, with the extract node capturing the authorization token returned by the endpoint.

Phone number verification

Coming soon. If you have a phone number verification based API that supports registration and authentication please reach out.

OpenID / oAuth2

Coming soon. If you have an OpenID or oAuth2 based API that supports registration and authentication please reach out.